Publisher description
Anti-Keylogger Elite(AKE) is a utility designed to detect keyloggers, and give the power to Prevent Or Allow the keylogger to function. AKE can prevent known and unknown keyloggers from infiltrating your computer Logging everything you type on your keyboard and see on screen. Keyloggers are created to let others spy on what you are doing at any time and either sote the information for the person to obtain it later or send it over the internet to their computer. Keyloggers are more of a threat than people give them credit: Keyloggers log everything that you type including Usernames, Passwords, Credit Card Numbers, Private and confidential information. They can also now take lots of picutres of your computer's screen so that they can monitor and "See" everything that you do. There is a way to stop it, You can use AKE to give you all round protection from all these threats.
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